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Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
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Modernized Québec Deposit-Refund and Selective Collection Systems

Deposit-refund and selective collection systems are being modernized under an extended producer responsibility (EPR) approach, whereby the entities that sell, market or otherwise distribute target products are responsible for managing them at the end of their useful life. This type of management allows for choice in the means selected to achieve the prescribed outcomes. On October 24, 2022, RECYC-QUÉBEC designated two management bodies to represent entities with respect to their obligation to develop, implement and fund each of the modernized systems, one for deposit-refund and the other for selective collection: the Association québécoise de récupération des contenants de boissons (AQRCB) and Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) respectively. The two designated management bodies (DMB) are responsible for the oversight and support of target product management throughout the value chain in Québec, including recovery and reclamation.

Advantages of modernization

The modernization of the twinned systems seeks to ensure the efficient management of all containers, packaging, and printed matter marketed or otherwise distributed in Québec, as they will be processed at high-performance recovery and reclamation industry locations. Modernization will:

  • expand producers’ responsibility for the products that they market;
  • reduce the vulnerability of stakeholders in the Québec value chain to market fluctuations;
  • harmonize recovery and reclamation operations throughout Québec;
  • reduce the quantities of containers, packaging, and printed matter sent for disposal, increase the recovery and reclamation rate, and maximize the quantities reclaimed locally;
  • provide for measures to optimize systems so as to harmonize, innovate and develop local and neighbouring market solutions in order to supply businesses, create wealth, and contribute to the development of the circular economy;
  • ensure recovery services for all generators of residual materials, including the industrial-commercial-institutional (ICI) sector, which will ultimately have to participate in the new system;
  • foster the eco-design of products to facilitate their recovery and reclamation;
  • enhance Quebecers’ trust in the system and maintain expertise concerning the recovery and reclamation of containers, packaging, and printed matter;
  • enhance the traceability of residual materials up to their final destination, ensure improved monitoring, promote greater transparency and ensure that producers are responsible for the performance of the deposit-refund and selective collection systems;
  • protect the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Key steps in the modernization process

  1. March 17, 2021: The Act to amend mainly the Environment Quality Act with respect to deposits and selective collectionThis hyperlink will open in a new window. was passed
  2. January 26 to March 11, 2022: A public consultation was conducted on the two draft regulations that respectively aimed at the modernization of the deposit-refund system and the selective collection system
  3. July 7, 2022: Both regulations came into force
  4. October 24, 2022: Designation of both Management Bodies by RECYC-QUÉBEC (French)This hyperlink will open in a new window..
  5. August 30, 2023: The amendments to the deposit-refund (French, PDF, 372 KB)This hyperlink will open in a new window. and selective collection (French, PDF, 366 KB)This hyperlink will open in a new window. regulations come into effect, along with a new regulation covering certain transitional measures between the current and modernized systems (French, PDF, 268 KB)This hyperlink will open in a new window..
  6. November 1, 2023: Rollout of the expanded deposit-refund system for 100 ml to 2 l ready-to-drink beer, soft drink and aluminum containers, independent of their contents, such as juice, sparkling water, cider, etc.
  7. January 1, 2025: Full rollout of the modernized selective collection system
  8. February 26, 2025: Entry into force of the amendments to the deposit-refund (French, PDF, 261 KB)This hyperlink will open in a new window. and the modernized selective collection (French, PDF, 228 KB)This hyperlink will open in a new window. regulations
  9. February 28, 2025: Entry into force of the amendments (French, PDF, 215 KB)This hyperlink will open in a new window. to the deposit-refund regulation
  10. March 1, 2025: Inclusion of all remaining targeted plastic containers into the deposit-refund system
  11. March 1, 2027: Inclusion of all remaining targeted containers in the modernized deposit-refund system (e.g., glass, other breakable materials, multilayer containers, etc.) regardless of their contents (e.g., wine, spirits, juice, milk, etc.)

Rollout of the modernized selective collection system (French, PDF, 133 KB)This hyperlink will open in a new window.

Inclusion of 100 ml to 2 l ready-to-drink beverage containers in the deposit-refund system (French, PDF, 138 KB)This hyperlink will open in a new window.

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