To apply to the MELCCFP and obtain consigned funds for a study of the TEP, follow the steps indicated below.
To allocate the funds pursuant to section 54.1 of the Regulation respecting a cap-and-trade system for greenhouse gas emission allowances an emitter must sign an agreement with the Minister. Request a copy of the agreement by email (
To apply, complete the Project Submission Form (
Excel, 154 KB)
(In French) (tabs 1,3, and 5 only)
To be accepted, the applications must comply with the requirements in section 3 of Part III of Schedule C of the Regulation respecting a cap-and-trade system for greenhouse gas emission allowances.
Following an analysis, the Minister will confirm if the emitter’s project is eligible. The emitter must await this confirmation before incurring expenses.
The form must be submitted to the MELCCFP before December 31, 2030 to be admissible to consigned funds.
If the project has not been completed at the end of a given year, submit the following documents between January 1 and March 1 of each year:
In June and November of each year, complete the project financial planning update form that will be sent by email.
Once the study is completed, the emitter must submit a final report within 60 days of the conclusion of the study-related activities and not later than five years after the date of submission of the project submission form. The final report comprises the following documents:
The emitter’s guide explains in detail the procedure to follow to carry out a project eligible for the payment of the consigned funds. (link to come)
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