The status of “Territorial reserves for protected area purposes” allows for the recognition of a territory until legally protected status is attributed to it. The management procedures respecting this type of status comply with international standards governing protected areas. Territorial reserves for protected area purposes can thus be recorded in the Register of Protected Areas and OECMs in Québec.
The Minister of the Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change, the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, and the Minister of Forests, Wildlife and Parks jointly ensure the protection of territorial reserves for protected area purposes in terrestrial and freshwater environments. They jointly ensure the requisite administrative and legal provisions to prohibit throughout the territories all natural resource exploitation activities (mining, energy, and forests) until legally protected status is attributed to them. The priority objective of the designations is nature conservation.
Erratum: The area of the Réserve de territoire aux fins d’aire protégée du Canyon-Eaton indicated in the brief is erroneous. The correct area is 1 331 km2 as indicated on the corrected map in the fact sheet and Register of Protected Areas and OECMs in Québec.
Map of the territorial reserves for protected area purposes approved during the
fall of 2020 (PDF, 366 Kb)
Erratum : The areas of the Réserve de territoire aux fins d’aire protégée du Bassin-Aval-de-la-Broadback and the Réserve de territoire aux fins d’aire protégée de la Baie-de-Boatswain indicated in the briefs are erroneous. The correct areas are 1 020 km2 and 231 km2, respectively, as indicated on the corrected maps in the fact sheets and Register of Protected Areas and OECMs in Québec.