The Gouvernement du Québec approved the designation of the Réserve de territoire aux fins d’aire protégée du Lac-Burton-Rivière-Rogan-et-la-Pointe-Louis-XIV following the submission in 2008 of a joint brief from the Minister of the Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change, the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, and the Minister of Forests, Wildlife and Parks. Legally protected status will be determined in the coming years but it is contemplated that the territory will become a “biodiversity reserve,” which status is governed by the Natural Heritage Conservation Act.
Geographical location, boundaries and dimensions
Brief description
The Réserve de territoire aux fins d’aire protégée du Lac-Burton-Rivière-Rogan-et-la-Pointe-Louis-XIV protects sites of interest, including the Pointe Louis-XIV, which displays unique climatic, plant, and wildlife characteristics at this latitude. Indeed, plant communities typical of standing shrub tundra are found there, which normally occur 200 km farther north. The territory has one of Québec’s most remarkable drumlin fields. Near the shore, winds shift the sand to create imposing dunes. The territorial reserve for protected area purposes also preserves part of the Sakami moraine, one of the biggest morainic systems inventoried in Northern Québec.
Protection measures applied in the territory
No natural resource exploration or exploitation activity (mining, energy and forests) is allowed in the territory of the territorial reserve for protected area purposes. The Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and the Minister of Forests, Wildlife and Parks will ensure the maintenance of the administrative and legal provisions that their prohibition requires.