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Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
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Climate Municipalities Program—Phase 2

The program is currently closed. 

Useful Information

Normative framework (PDF, 1.2 MB)

Phase 2 of the Climate Municipalities Program (CM-2) supports action by municipal bodies in the fight against climate change. Funded projects must conclude no later than 2025. 

An overall budget of $40M has been set aside for the implementation of innovative greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction and adaptation to climate change projects that will enable Québec municipalities to move forward with their transition to a sustainable lifestyle and contribute to the development of a low-carbon economy. 

Climate Municipalities—Phase 2 has two parts:

Part 2—Pilot Projects

An overall budget of $35M has been set aside for experimental technology pilot projects (green infrastructure, resiliency improvements and green technology) and/or social innovation aimed at fighting climate change. 

Maximum per-project funding is one million dollars. Proposals will be considered in three call-for-project periods.

Consult the list of projects funded (in French) under component 2.

Part 1—Analyses and/or studies

A budget of $5M was set aside for analyses and/or studies aimed at documenting the conditions required to carry out reduction and adaptation projects.  

Per-project maximum funding was $50,000. Project submission for Part 1 is not time-specific. Once the annual budget has been exhausted, applicants will be notified when submission time reopens. 

Consult the list of projects funded (in French) under component 2.



Pilot projects centred on social and/or technical innovation

The aim of the program is to support pilot projects that include a technical or social innovation component, the latter referring to steps that call on collaboration among local actors to define a solution for the target problem.

The specific goal of support for pilot projects is to bolster research and define audacious solutions that can be implemented by and for communities. In addition to ensuring community engagement, this method is the most efficient for developing sustainable, viable solutions. 

Projects that include a technical component will enable experimenting with green infrastructure, resiliency improvements or green technology in targeting GHG emission reduction or adapting to climate change.

Numerous eligible sectors of activity 

The fight against climate change is not only of concern to environmental professionals. Because the negative impact of climate variation is felt globally, projects funded by the program can take many forms and be carried out by municipal bodies in numerous sectors of activity. For example, Climate Municipalities–Phase 2 could fund the following types of projects: 

  • Green infrastructure 
  • Northern food resiliency 
  • Shared-use streets and other urban development projects that encourage sustainable mobility 
  • Municipal asset renovation and/or upgrade to resist adverse weather conditions 
  • Reducing the amount of organic waste sent for disposal by reductions at source or the circular economy 
  • Creation and conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity sanctuaries in a climate change perspective 

Municipal bodies are frontline actors in the fight against climate change 

Municipal bodies play a crucial role in the fight against climate change. As local governments, the have a direct impact on numerous high-emission sectors and the lifestyle of their population. They are well-placed to implement concrete GHG reduction and adaptation measures within the community. 

The aim of the program is to support inspirational projects that can be immediately reproduced to strengthen community resiliency and Québec’s transition to a low-carbon economy. 


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Contact us

For information on the Climate Municipalities Program–Phase 2, call us at 418-521-3878, ext. 7660 or send an email to

Climate Municipalities—Phase 2 fits into the 2013-2020 Climate Change Action Plan, also known as the PACC 2013-2020, which support municipal and other community initiatives in the areas of greenhouse gas reduction, adaptation to climate change and sustainable landscaping.