Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
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Agro-environmental Fertilization Guide

Modalities of Sampling and Soil Analysis

1. Soil Sampling Method

1.1 Sampling Frequency
Sampling Period
Preparation for the Taking of Samples
Nature of the Soil
Sample Taking
Situations Requiring Special Attention

2. Field Soil Sampling Report

3. Soil Analysis Methods

Determination of Aluminium and Phosphorus Available in the Soil Using the Mehlich III Method

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Equipment and Reagents
3.3 Procedure

4. Soil Phosphorus Saturation Percentage

Assessment of the Phosphorus Content in the Harvested Portion of Crops

Monitoring of Phosphorus Required in an Agro-Environmental Fertilization Plan

1. Calculation of Expected Changes in Soil Phosphorus Content and Saturation Percentage

1.1 Changes in Soil Phosphorus Content
1.2 Changes in Soil Phosphorus Saturation Percentage
Periods and Modalities

2. Regular Monitoring of Soil Phosphorus Content and Saturation Percentage

3. Determination of Phosphorus Reception or Excess Capacity of an Agricultural Operation

3.1 Phosphorus Reception Capacity of an Agricultural Operation
3.2 Phosphorus surplus of an agricultural operation
Period and Modalities

Reduction of pollution from agricultural sources

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