Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
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Residual Hazardous Materials Management

Information used to fill out the annual report


Calendar year (année civile)

From January 1st to December 31st of the year of the annual report. Software users: please do not forget to change the calendar year in the “option” menu for each new year.

Firm (entreprise)


  • Production site (lieu de production ou site): The location of production activity.
  • Mailing address (postale): The location where paperwork is prepared.

Number of workers (nombre d’employés): The highest number of workers employed during the year, including management and office staff, seasonal workers and students.

Contact person (responsable): The individual who prepared the annual report or any other knowledgeable person that can be reached to obtain further or complementary information.

Type of firm (type d’entreprise):
(more than one code may be needed)

B (BPC): PCBs, if you are a firm that has stored PCBs or materials that contain PCBs or are PCB-contaminated.

P (générateur): Producer, if your firm produced residual hazardous materials (RHM) during the calendar year.

E (entreposage): Storage,, if your firm has a permit to store RHM from other sources (i.e. other companies or clients).

L (élimination): Disposal/elimination, if you have a permit to dispose of RHM from other sources (i.e. other companies or clients. There are currently only two such firms in Quebec).

S (transport): Transportation/hauling, if you have a hauling permit to transport RHM from clients to elimination facilities.

T (traitement): Treatment, if you can process RHM from sources other than yourself and have the required permit.

U (utilisation énergétique): Energy recovery, if you have a permit to burn RHM such as used oils received from other clients.

CIDREQ code (code CIDREQ): This code (Québec central enterprise database registry) is the registry number issued by the “Inspecteur général des institutions financières du Québec”.

Economic activity code (code d’activité économique): The 4-digit, Regulation respecting hazardous materials Schedule 8 number that corresponds to your sector of activity. You may need more than one EAC to cover all your activities. For permit holders using the software, you can find those codes using the list under the corresponding tab.

SIC: Code from the Canadian Industry Classification System (Standard Industrial Classification).

SCIAN (système de classification de l’Amérique du Nord): NAICS (North American Industry Classification System).

Shipper/Receiver (expéditeur/destinataire)

Receiver (shipped to) (destinataire):
Destination company where your RHM has been shipped. This could be a transfer centre, a storage centre or a place where your material can be treated or eliminated. Each quantity must be reported in “kilos” for each receiver.

Shipper (received from) (expéditeur):
Source from which the RHM has been shipped to your facility, either for treatment, elimination, or for use as fuel. Each quantity must be reported in “kilos” for each shipper.

Mandatory information (renseignements obligatoires à transmettre):
Company name, city, and postal code (nom de l’entreprise, municipalité et code postal). If you use the January 1999 version of the software and you have to report a firm from outside the Province of Quebec, you will need to enter the name of the city immediately after the address in the street field. Then, in the “municipalité” (city) field, simply choose the first item on the list.

Identification of materials (identification de la matière)

This part must be filled out using Sections 1 and 2 of Schedule 4 of the Regulation respecting hazardous materials.

Section 1

Code (code): This three digit alphanumeric code (one letter and two numbers) is used to identify the material you process. Only few permit holders will use codes that begin with the letter “N”.

Section 2

TDGR (Transport of Dangerous Goods Regulation) code (classe du RTMD): This code includes two numbers, separated by a decimal point. The first number refers to the class of the material (1 to 9), while the second number is found in Schedule 1 of the TDGR. If your material does not correspond to any of the TDGR categories, please enter code “0.0”.

Here are some useful links:

If your material is a mix of several substances within a single category (such as “acids”), use the TDGR code for the principal material, or the one that is the most dangerous.

Physical state (état physique):

  • G: gas
  • L: liquid
  • P: sludge
  • S: solid

Information on your RHM (renseignement sur les MDR)

Note (commentaires):
Please provide all useful information about the material so it can be identified, e.g., brand name, contaminants in the material, contents, process used to manufacture the material.

Quantity (quantité): 

Stored on first day of report (entreposée le 1er jour)

  • Amount of material that your facility had on hand on January 1 (or on the first business day of the year), in kilograms. Software users: using this field will access the “received from” tab.

Produced (produite)

  • Amount of material produced during the full calendar year (January 1-December 31) covered by the report.

Stored on last day of report (entreposée le dernier jour)

  • Amount of material on hand on December 31 of the year covered by the report (or on the company’s final business day of the year). Software users: using this field will access the “shipped to” tab.

Used for energy recovery (utilisée à des fins énergétiques)

  • Quantity of material used as fuel on site (in kilograms). Used oil can come from your own activities.

Software users: using this field will give you access to the “used for” tab.
Note: RHM shipped off-site to be used as fuel must be reported in the “shipped to” tab rather than as “used for energy recovery” tab.

Treated (traitée)

  • Quantity of RHM treated on site.

    Note: RHM shipped from site for treatment must be declared in the “shipped to” tab, not in the “treated” tab. Please choose the appropriate code in Schedule 9 of the regulation. 

Procedure for checking the calculations of quantities for each type of material (procédure pour vérifier le calcul des quantités pour chacune des matières)

(amount of material stored on first day of the year + amount produced + amount received) – (amount treated + amount of material used for energy recovery + amount eliminated + amount shipped) = amount of material stored on the last day of the year

Software users (aux utilisateurs du progiciel):
If the formula is displayed in red, the calculation has not been properly completed. Please check your quantities again.  

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