Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
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James Bay Advisory Committee on the Environment (JBACE)

Convention de la Baie-James et du Nord QuébécoisMandate

The James Bay Advisory Committee on the Environment (JBACE) is consulted by the governments of Québec and Canada, the Cree Nation Government, Cree village corporations, Band councils and municipalities during the drafting of laws and regulations concerning the environmental and social protection in the territory governed by the James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement (JBNQA), south of the 55th parallel. The functions of the JBACE are to monitor, through an exchange of views and information, the application of Chapter 22 of the JBNQA and to be responsible for the administrative support and supervision of the Evaluating Committee (COMEV).

Minister Responsible

The Minister of the Environnement, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks


James Bay Advisory Committee on the Environment (JBACE)
1080, Côte du Beaver Hall, Suite 1420
Montréal (Québec) H2Z 1S8

Telephone : 514 286-4400
Fax : 514 284-0039
Website :
Courriel :

Legal Basis

Environment Quality Act (R.S.Q., c. Q-2): Sections 134 to 147.

James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement (JBNQA): Section 22.3.



Members appointed by the government of Canada:

  • Mr. Jean-Olivier Roy
  • Mrs. Madeleine Green
  • Vacancy
  • Vacancy

Members appointed by the government of Québec:

  • Mrs. Brigitte Goulet
  • Mr. Jean-Philippe Marcoux
  • Mrs. Manon Cyr
  • Mrs. Mélanie Savoie, Chair

Members appointed by the Cree Regional Authority (CRA):

  • Mrs. Melissa Saganash
  • Mrs. Tina Petawabano
  • Mr. Graeme Morin
  • Mr. Marc Dunn

Ex officio member of the Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Coordinating Committee:

  • Mr. Norman Wapachee


  • Mrs. Michèle Leduc-Lapierre, Executive Director
  • Mrs. Sarah Flibotte, Environmental Analyst
  • Mrs. Eva Wolf, Secretariat Officer

Telephone : 514 286-4400
Fax : 514 284-0039
Email :


The Ministry provides the JBACE (and indirectly the COMEV) an operating budget for its secretariat operations. Under the provisions of the JBNQA and an administrative agreement, the government of Canada must reimburse the government of Québec one-half of the expenses relating to the committee’s secretariat operations.

JBACE website

For more information, visit the James Bay Advisory Committee on the Environment website where you will find meeting minutes, annual reports, briefs and opinions issued by the Committee.

Régime Nord du Québec

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