Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
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Drinking Water Treatment Technologies Performance Validation Procedure

The Design Guide for Drinking Water Production Facilities (Guide de conception des installations de production d’eau potable) provides a description of water treatment technologies and design criteria deemed suitable for meeting the requirements of the  Regulation respecting the quality of drinking water (RQDW). A Drinking Water Treatment Technologies Committee has been established for instances where a technology or its application is considered to be new in order to validate performance tests and determine if the level of development of the technology or application complies with the RQDW. The coordination of the committee’s activities is overseen by the Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ).

The following documents describe the procedure to follow to validate performance in order to have a technology fact sheet:

The Committee might also examine specific problem situations that come to light following its technology assessment activities. The process may result in the publication of technical recommendations (French) by the Committee concerning these situations.

You can subscribe to the Eaux³ municipales newsletter (French) which is an easy way to find out about changes that will be made to the validation procedure or technology fact sheets

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