Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
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Quebec's Protected Areas Network

An exceptional contribution to the protection of biodiversity

The minister of Développement Durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs, Ms. Line Beauchamp, made public the Overview of Quebec's Protected Areas Network - Period 2002-2009, on May 20, 2010. This is a unique work which assesses the performance and important advances in Quebec regarding the protection of its territory during the last seven years.

This scientific report allows for the quality of the protected areas network to be evaluated in terms of its representativeness of natural areas and species as well as its effectiveness in insuring the conservation of biodiversity. Quebec's protected areas network includes more than 2 500 natural sites of satisfactory quality according to the highest international protection criteria.

For more information:

To receive a paper copy of the Overview, send your request to the Centre d’information du Ministère.


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