Mandatory reporting of GHG emissions Emitters must also register to the IQEA (Québec Air Emissions Inventory) online allowing them to file their annual reports for each of their establishments. Click here for more information on mandatory reporting of certain emissions of contaminants into the atmosphere |
Sample letter templates
List of covered emitters and registered entities for the Cap-and-Trade System |
Registration of emitters subject to the Regulation respecting the Cap-and-Trade System for greenhouse gas emission allowances as well as participants wishing to take part in the carbon market’s activities is made via the Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS). These emitters must meet specific deadlines for submitting their applications.
Emitters, other than a fuel distributor, must submit their registration application no later than September 1st following the submission of its first declaration for which verified GHG emissions reached or exceed the 25,000 mt CO2 eq. threshold.
Those able to demonstrate that verified GHG emissions of one of its establishments will reach or exceed the 25,000 mt CO2 eq. threshold during a given year may register as of June 1st of the preceding year. Emitters operating a newly commissioned establishment can however register as of June 1st, three years prior to the year for which the demonstration of the reaching or the exceedance of the 25,000 mt CO2 eq. threshold is carried out.
Any emitter carrying out fuel distribution activities able to demonstrate that 200 or more litres of fuel will be distributed during a given year may register as of January 1st of this same year. The registration request must be sent no later than September 1st following the first emissions declaration covering the distribution of 200 or more litres of fuel.
Emitters wishing to voluntarily opt-in to the Cap-and-Trade System must complete and submit the
Application Form to Opt-in (PDF,
1.2 MB) no later than May 1st preceding the year as of which the emitter wishes to begin covering its emissions. Registration must be completed no
later than September 1st preceding the year for which it wishes to begin covering its emissions.
In order to be granted emission allowances by the Government of Québec and have the right to trade on the carbon market, emitters and participants must open one or a set of CITSS system accounts.
Each account must have at least two representatives: a Primary Account Representative (PAR)–the main contact for information, and additional Account Representative (AR). In the case of a participating natural person, the latter must be the sole representative on his or her account.
Registration to the Cap-and-Trade System is completed in two steps:
Updating information in the CITSS system
If you are already registered and wish to update the user profile or information in the CITSS system account, click here.
If you are already registered with the CITSS system of a jurisdiction other than Québec and wish to become an account representative for an
entity registered with Québec, complete the Cross-jurisdiction User
2.1 MB - Acrobat Reader version 10 and up)
form and send it using the
secure file transfer platform.
In order to gain access to CITSS, emitters that are subject to the Regulation or participating legal entities must initially register individual users who will represent their organization as account representatives.
Participating natural persons must first register as individual users in order to gain access to CITSS, and must be the sole representatives for their accounts.
To register and get a user ID, you must:
Be sure not to close your Internet browser before you have downloaded or printed the three documents. In the event of a problem, please contact CITSS Support Services.
Once your online user application has been successfully submitted and all your documents have been received, the C&T System Registrar will analyze the file.
You will not be able to access the CITSS system with your chosen user ID and password until your registration application has been accepted by the C&T System Registrar.
Once your registration request has been reviewed, you will receive an electronic notice of acceptance of your user registration from the C&T System Registrar. You will then be able to complete the request to open an account in your name or the name of the emitter or corporate participant you represent.
Once at least two users are successfully registered with valid user IDs, an authorized user may proceed to the second step, which consists of submitting an account application on behalf of the emitter or participant. Only one registered user is required in the instance of a participant account application request for a natural person.
Emitters, other than fuel distributors, must submit their account application no later than September 1st following the first emission report declaring annual GHG emissions that equal or exceed 25,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalent (mt CO2 eq.) for an establishment.
An emitter able to demonstrate that the verified GHG emissions of one of its establishments will reach or exceed the 25,000 mt CO2 eq. threshold during a given year may register as of June 1st of the preceding year. This demonstration is to be made using one of the following documents or items of information:
Emitters able to demonstrate that the fuel distribution volume in a given year equals or exceeds the threshold of 200 litres may register as of January 1st of that year. However, they must submit their account application no later than September 1st following the first emission report declaring emissions that equal or exceed this threshold.
Emitters seeking to opt-in must fill out and send the Application Form to Opt-in not later than May 1st of the year prior to the year the emitter wishes to begin to cover its emissions and must complete the registration process not later than September 1st of the year prior to the year for which the emitter wishes to begin to cover their emissions.
To open an account, the user must:
Once your online application request has been submitted and the corresponding documents have been received, your application will be processed by the C&T System Registrar.
After your application request has been approved by the C&T System Registrar, the appropriate accounts will be created and will appear within CITSS on the home page of users who have been designated as principal account representatives or alternate account representatives.