Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
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Regulation respecting the recovery and reclamation of products by enterprises

The Regulation respecting the recovery and reclamation of products by enterprisesCet hyperlien s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre. is one of the implementing regulations pertaining to extended producer responsibility (EPR) in Québec. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment define EPR as an environmental policy approach in which a producer’s responsibility for a product is extended to the post-consumer stage of its life cycle. This approach hinges on results and allows producers considerable latitude in the development and implementation of programs and the choice of partnerships that they can establish.

The Regulation is intended to reduce the quantities of residual materials to be disposed of by making producers responsible for the recovery and reclamation of various products that they market. The product categories are as follows:

  • electronics;
  • batteries;
  • mercury lamps;
  • paint and paint containers;
  • oils, coolants, antifreeze, as well as their filters, containers and other similar products;
  • household appliances and air-conditioners;
  • agricultural products;
  • pressurized fuel containers;
  • pharmaceuticals.

The Regulation was amended in December 2024 following a public consultation (PDF, 183 KB)Cet hyperlien s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre. from September 25 to November 8, 2024. The purpose of this amendment is to provide financial stability for recovery and reclamation programs for the listed household refrigerators and freezers and to limit the increase of eco-fees on these appliances.

Additional information on the amendment:

Amendments to the Regulation


The regulation was amended in 2023 and the amendments came into force on August 30, 2023.

In summary, the amendments are intended to ensure consistency and alignment between the various regulations applying the EPR principle in Québec, enhance existing obligations and respond to certain requests that could not be taken into account in the latest regulatory amendment work. They also allow corrections and clarifications to the regulatory text to be made.

Additional information on the amendments:


The Regulation was amended in 2022 and the amendments came into force on June 30, 2022, with the exception of the following:

  • In force on September 30, 2022:
    • To prohibit the recovery and reclamation of designated products other than under official programs.
  • In force on December 30, 2022:
    • To include enterprises outside Québec and those operating transactional websites (online sales) as designated producers;
    • New requirements affecting drop-off centres in northern regions;
    • New requirements affecting the displaying of internal recovery and reclamation costs;
    • To define most of the minimum requirements applicable to producer responsibility organizations in the Regulation rather than by agreements.

Additional information on the amendments:

Information sessions

A webcast describing the 2022 amendments to the Regulation took place on November 2, 2022.

A webcast on the new category of agricultural products took place on April 5, 2023.

An information document on the regulatory requirements applicable to pharmaceutical products was produced in March 2024.

An document explaining regulatory obligations regarding pressurized fuel containers was created in March 2024.

Additional targeted information sessions may be offered, if needed.

Useful links

Directives from the minister (French, PDF, 221 KB)Cet hyperlien s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre. on the conditions for approval and minimum content of agreements to be concluded between recognized management bodies and RECYC-QUÉBEC.

The following do not include the latest amendments to the Regulation. They will be updated at a later time.

Please submit your questions respecting the Regulation, particularly about designated products and enterprises, and the latter’s obligations to

For additional information about EPR and the minimum contents of a recovery and reclamation program; consult the list of existing programs; learn about the steps needed to ensure compliance; get the requisite forms, and determine which documents need to be submitted, please visit the RECYC-QUÉBEC extended producer responsibility (French)Cet hyperlien s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre. webpage.



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